Terms of Participation

Entry Deadline for the 8th Independent Days:
31.12.2006 (date of post mark).

Entry Conditions:

  1. Cost of production must not exceed Euro 2500.- per minute of running time.
  2. For each submitted film, send one application form and a screening copy (DVD or CD, MiniDV) to Videogruppe im Gewerbehof e. V. Other media formats may be accepted under exceptional circumstances.
  3. Multiple submissions by the same person/group may be collected on one tape/medium. In this case, please add a table of contents and note the start times of the individual films in case of using cassettes.
  4. Screening copies (DVDs/CDs) and additional material cannot be returned.
  5. The copies for presentation must have been received latest one week prior to the event. Please add the return address. Postage for copy return is covered by the festival. Forwarding to a different address is possible upon request.
  6. The copies must be provided free of charge.
  7. If music is used, which is protected by the performance rights society of Germany (GEMA), a complete list with all relevant data (title, composer, songwriter, interpreter, playing time in minutes and seconds) has to be supplied upon request.
  8. A jury nominated by the association “Independent Days” adjudicates on the final composition of the programme. The jury adjudicates as well upon participation of the films in the competitions in the categories “No Budget” and “Low Budget”.
  9. Awards: In the category “Low Budget” will the “Filmpreis der Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe” be awarded as a “Nachwuchsförderpreis” (promotion for newcomers), endowed with 1.000 EURO. In the category “No Budget” will the “Goldene ID” be awarded. The trophy money therefor is not yet announced. Both awards are awards of the public.